I'm here to support innovative minds and artistic spirits to reach their creative potential and build online presences that reflect their uniqueness.

Let's create together


01 WEBSITES & Personal BRands
I design digital spaces that not only look harmonious but also feel like an extension of you and your mission.
For complex website projects or corporate website redesigns.
I offer focused guidance and brainstorming sessions to help develop your ideas and reach your creative potential.
learn more about my services

99% of clients come to me by referrals, rest of the 1% by lucky coincidence

"Kerli is an artist whose array of tools vary from sense of harmony to color coding. But most importantly the heart of her art lies in turning the invisible into visible. If I were to define what makes her different from all the other designers I have worked so far, it must be that she is a creative listener. She hears and understands the essence of your ideas and knows how to translate those thoughts and visions into visually appealing format."

Maarja-Liisa Soe

Poet and visionary | founder of Soeesia and AiNGEL

"I want to express my deepest admiration for our external design partner, Kerli Aava. Her intimate approach, sensitive eye, and warm heart have made even the most challenging aspects of product development a joy. I can sincerely recommend her for any imaginable project."

Mart Roosaar

Poet, rappar, AI-enthusiast, IT Project Manager at Preferred by Nature

"Her subtle ways to guide you towards the end result and the ways she acknowledges your expectations make the working process with Kerli highly enjoyable. She navigates smoothly among deadlines and you can count on her to deliver everything you have agreed upon right on time. Her attention to details make you realize that it is actually beauty that lies in the details and you feel lucky that your project is on the palette of her creation."

Maarja-Liisa Soe

Poet and visionary | founder of Soeesia and AiNGEL

"Koostöö Kerliga on olnud kui Ameerika mägedele kiirrongiga sõitma minek, ainult et see on tegelikult metamorfoosikiirendus Su sisemaailmas. Selle protsessi käigus hakkab välja puhastuma see unikaalne valgusesära ja värving, mida just Sina kehastad. Mida avatum ja alistunum Sa protsessile oled seda selgema ja puhtamana väljud rongist. See on rong, mida Sa oled tõesti oodanud ja veelgi parem, kui oskasid ette kujutada."

Kadi-Maarija Maripuu

Poeet, konstellöör ja loovusteadvuse eksperimentaalne uurija

"Kerlil on anne näha ja tunda Sinu päris struktuuri. Seda tõelist. Isegi kui oled seda elu jooksul õppinud enese kaitseks peitma ja varjama. Kerli näeb seda. See on vabastav & hingetoitev kogemus olla nii nähtud. Olen selles koostöös tundnud ühtesulamise hetki, kus Kerli sõnastab seda, mida enese sees näen ja tunnen nii peenelt, et olen hämmingus. See koostöö on olnud tee enese tõelise väärtuse elegantse kehastuseni."

Kadi-Maarija Maripuu

Poeet, konstellöör ja loovusteadvuse eksperimentaalne uurija

Let's connect

I'm here to listen and explore your ideas. Feel free to reach out via Social media or book an introductory call here.